21 Jan 2015 Capture the Flag January 21, 2015 Luke Brasel Connecting, Couples, Marriage, Premarital Counseling, Relationships I began an argument in three previous articles on why pre-engagement counseling makes more sense tha...Read More
18 Dec 2014 Asking the Right Questions December 18, 2014 Luke Brasel Connecting, Couples, Marriage, Premarital Counseling, Relationships I began an argument in a previous article on why pre-engagement counseling makes more sense than pre...Read More
12 Nov 2014 Trust the Process: The Case for Pre-Engagement Counseling November 12, 2014 Luke Brasel Connecting, Couples, Marriage, Premarital Counseling, Relationships I began an argument in a previous article on why pre-engagement counseling makes more sense than pre...Read More
8 Oct 2014 Center Stage: The Case for Pre-Engagement Counseling October 8, 2014 Luke Brasel Couples, Marriage, Premarital Counseling, Relationships In debate class, I used to have the toughest time. I had no problem arguing a point. My problem was...Read More